Jun 1, 2018
Welcome aboard the Great Derelict!
This week Andy is joined by friend of the show and occasional member of the Admiralty Dave Probert to discuss one of his favourite subjects, Blake 7
You can find Dave on Twitter https://twitter.com/DaveJProbert
and https://theprobertreport.wordpress.com/
and you can hear more of Dave on some of his Casts
Shake and Blake - http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/shakeandblake/shakeandblake.php
The Happy Place - http://thehappyplace.libsyn.com/
And Twice as Bright Half as Long - http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/twiceasbrighthalfaslong/twiceasbrighthalfaslong.php
And you can find more of Andy and his other casts over at Rogue Two Media