Mar 27, 2016
Welcome to this weeks full episode of Space Dock Jury… After the events of Episode 003 everyone is feeling a might delicate and so Lee, Andy and Pete present some of the cooler spaceships in the multiverse. The legendary Slave 1 from Empire Strikes Back, The Jackson Pollak black light splash that is The Milano…
Mar 20, 2016
After the debacle with the Normandy in Episode 3 – Lee and Andy lock Pete in a cupboard and bury the hatchet discussing spaceships in video games, going from the popular to the more obscure… Does anyone other than Lee remember Epic by Ocean Games on the Commodore Amiga? No? Thought not…
Mar 13, 2016
Welcome to this weeks full episode of Space Dock Jury. After last weeks alcohol fuelled minisode, the revised scoring system gets rolled out and tested on three ships seemingly made for the new system and the top 10 gets fully populated… This week Pete brings in the big guns with Vaders over compensating monstrous...
Mar 6, 2016
So as you may of gathered from Episode 2 “Speed” – The wheels well and truly fell off the scoring system. This forced us to rethink everything and so armed with a scary amount of paper work from Pete, we attended a small pub and decided to hammer out this scoring system once and for…