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Step aboard the Great Derelict - a massive long abandoned space dock and join Andy as he explores all the various aspects of Spaceships, Science fiction, and general geekery, In-depth reviews and discussions, bite size shows and little odds and sods

Aug 25, 2023

Welcome aboard the Great Derelict!

This week Andy is honoured to welcome back Gillian, Satai of the grey council as we take a rather unexpected but very welcomed return to Babylon 5 with the surprise animated movie 'The Road Home'

We talk about the story, the cast old and new and what the film might mean for the future...

Aug 10, 2023

Welcome back to the Great Derelict

This week Andy is Joined by Charlotte as we Boldly go where no-ones has ever returned before, to re-evaluate one of the most divisive Star Trek films of all time, Into Darkness and ask if its really as bad as I remember?

You can find Charlotte here: